Plenty of allies for California Independence got excited by an opinion piece published in Bloomberg. It annoys me because it not true: California will remain an ATM for federal and any other election of any office as long as California is one of the U.S.
Don't take my word for it - look it up on the FEC's website. You can look up any committee with Trump or Mitch McConnell's name on it on that site and search for donations from California. You'll find millions have come from Californians that effectively suppressed and deprived their neighbors. I find them to be wonderful protest targets....that would be down the line.
So yeah, Newsom would be all in for giving money to a Doug Jones or a Connor Lamb because they are both on the same bench while neither Jones nor Lamb would do anything to return a deported parent to work here to support minor children or to make sure a DREAMer would be able to stay in the only community that she knows.